Vi forsterker salgsteamet i Debe Norge AS
Glädjande kan Debe Flow Group berätta att koncernen har förvärvat TerraRoc Ltd, det vill säga verksamheten i UK. Bolaget kommer att hamna under Debe Flow Groups nya underkoncern, Debe Infra Group, som leds av André Hoondert.
Här följer ett uttalande från TerraRoc Ltd:s VD, Mario Andrade och André Hoondert om förvärvet:
Exciting Announcement from TerraRoc Ltd
We are delighted to share some important news with you. TerraRoc Ltd, your trusted global leader in geotechnical drilling solutions, has entered a new era. We have been acquired by Debe Infra Group, a move that promises to enhance our capabilities and offer you even more exceptional service.
A Strategic Step Forward
The acquisition follows the successful integration of our Finnish Mfg. operation, TerraRoc Finland Oy, into the Debe Infra Group, this in combination with Debe Flow Group, are based in several countries throughout Europe, this is a powerhouse in providing advanced equipment for water supply, geoenergy, water purification, drilling and foundation equipment and heating system technologies. This strategic move brings together companies with shared values of innovation, quality, and customer focus. In DEBE´s own word Dedication, Expertise, Bravery and Efficiency!
Our Commitment to You
We understand that change can bring questions, and we want to assure you that our dedication to excellence remains unchanged. It will be business as usual in terms of the quality and supply of our top-tier geotechnical drilling consumables. You can expect the same exacting standards and reliable service that have always been at the heart of our business.
Stronger Together
Being part of the Debe Group, with its impressive annual turnover and a history of robust growth, places us in a position of enhanced strength and stability. Our combined expertise will bring unparalleled value to our customers and access to a broader range of capabilities and resources, ensuring that we continue to meet your needs effectively and efficiently.
Looking to the Future
As we embark on this exciting journey, we want to thank you for your continued support and trust. With the backing of Debe, we look forward to delivering a wider product offering, tailored to your needs, in addition to the core products that we are renowned for in the geotechnical drilling and foundation industry.
You can learn more about Debe Group and its companies at https://debeflowgroup.com/
Mario Andrade, CEO, TerraRoc Ltd
André Hoondert, CEO, Debe Infra Group
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